A World of Diving Adventures

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There are two kinds of divers, divers who pee in their wetsuits and divers that don’t tell the truth


Scuba Diving Instruction

Our instructors on board are happy to assist with furthering your scuba diving education. We offer advanced and technical (tec) courses. Your classroom – the clear waters of the Red Sea.

With the dive liveaboard All Star Scuba Scene, you can advance your diving skills and then immediately put them into practice, introducing you to a world of diving adventure.

Rental Rates:

Rental Rates by the week unless noted:

  • Full equipment* including dive computer – $177.00
  • Regulator – $46.00
  • Dive computer – $46.00
  • Dive lights (torch) – $46.00
  • Wetsuits (5mm long, XS-XXL) – $46.00
  • Buoyancy compensator (BCD)(XS-XXL) – $46.00

Technical (tec) rental equipment by the week unless noted:

  • Nitrox package – $100.00
  • Nitrox single refill – $8 each
  • Gas mixes – ask for pricing
  • 16 CF (3L) side-mounted pony tank – $46.00
  • Manifold twinset – $85.00
  • 100 CF, 80 CF, 50 CF (15L, 12L or 6L) stage with rigging – $51.00
  • Rebreather cylinder set – $97.00
  • Stage regulator -$51.00

You can let us know your instruction needs when you fill out your Trip Application.

When registering for PADI e-learning, please ensure it is assigned to All Star Liveaboards/Center #18716. If the e-learning is not assigned to All Star Liveaboards, our instructors will not be able to approve your coursework. 

* BCD, regulator, dive computer and wetsuit

Advanced Open Water

Designed to advance your skills in a variety of diving techniques, these include navigation, night and deep diving. You may select an additional two dives from other specialty areas such as peak performance buoyancy, wreck diving or drift diving.

We provide the following dive equipment:  tanks and weightbelts.

Course pre-requisite:
Please complete the Medical Form and follow instructions detailed in the FAQ “What documents will I need to complete prior to boarding?”. If you answer YES to any questions, then a doctor must sign off to allow you to dive.

  • $285.00 (PADI) does not include Certification Card form fee.
  • Instructional materials and Certification Card fee not included.
  • E-learning can be completed by clicking here. If you go with the elearning option an online certification card is issued upon completion of the course.

Nitrox Certification

This course includes tanks, use of an oxygen analyzer and check out dives. After successfully completing the course, you become certified to dive using Nitrox.

We provide the following dive equipment:  tanks and weightbelts.

Course pre-requisite:
Please complete the Medical Form and follow instructions detailed in the FAQ “What documents will I need to complete prior to boarding?”. If you answer YES to any questions, then a doctor must sign off to allow you to dive.

  • $182.00 (PADI) (includes the package for the week).
  • Instructional materials not included.
  • E-learning can be completed by clicking here. If you go with the elearning option an online certification card is issued upon completion of the course.

Specialty Courses - Vary by Trip

We offer introductory advanced and technical (tec) courses. You can complete advanced level certification courses on board with our instructor with prior arrangement to ensure the itinerary is suitable for your existing level and the qualification you desire to acquire.

With All Star Red Sea, you can learn to dive and then immediately put it into practice, introducing you to an advanced world of diving adventure. Your classroom – the clear waters of the Red Sea. 

We provide the following dive equipment:  tanks and weightbelts.

You can let us know your instruction needs when you fill out your Trip Application form.

  • $182.00 (PADI).
  • Instructional materials not included.

Tec 40 (PADI) or Advanced Nitrox (TDI)

This entry level tec course covers the details needed for a proper advanced nitrox set-up including a pre-dive check, a dive plan, how address a problem or a failure and the importance of teamwork for closed circuit rebreather (CCR) diving. 

Specific details covered are an introduction to Type T CCRs either electronic (eCCR) or manual (mCCR). A key focus of training will be on the discipline needed to be a tec diver.

We provide the following dive equipment:  tanks and weightbelts.

  • $513.00 (SDI/TDI). 
  • Instructional materials not included.

Course pre-requisite:
Please complete the Medical Form and follow instructions detailed in the FAQ “What documents will I need to complete prior to boarding?”. If you answer YES to any questions, then a doctor must sign off to allow you to dive. 

  • Possess the following certificates:  Advanced Open Water Diver, Enriched Air Nitrox Diver and Deep Diver.
  • Proof of 10 dives at 100 feet (30m).
  • A minimum of 30 logged dives with a minimum using enriched air nitro (EANx) dive deeper than 60 feet (18m).

Tec 45 (PADI) or Decompression Procedures (TDI)

During Part 2 of the Tec Deep Diver program, divers extend their depth limit to 145 feet (45m). In this module, divers learn to plan and execute repetitive decompression dives using a single state (decompression) cylinder. Divers will wear a complete tec diving rig (back mount or side mount pony tank). During an accelerated decompression dive, use either enriched air nitro (EANx) or pure oxygen. 

  • $542.00 (SDI/TDI).  
  • Instructional materials not included.

Course pre-requisite:
Please complete the Medical Form and follow instructions detailed in the FAQ “What documents will I need to complete prior to boarding?”. If you answer YES to any questions, then a doctor must sign off to allow you to dive.

  • Possess the following certificates:  Tec 40 Diver and Rescue Diver.
  • Proof of 6 dives deeper than 100 feet (30m).
  • A minimum of 50 logged dives with a minimum of 12 using enriched air nitro (EANx) dive deeper than 60 feet (18m

Tec 50 (PADI) or Extended (TDI)

During Part 2 of the Tec Deep Diver program, divers develop additional competencies and gain the skills to dive to a maximum depth of 164 feet (50m). In this module, divers learn how to extend and accelerate decompression stops using up to two gases.

  • $627.00 (SDI/TDI).  
  • Instructional materials not included.

Course pre-requisite: 
Please complete the Medical Form and follow instructions detailed in the FAQ “What documents will I need to complete prior to boarding?”. If you answer YES to any questions, then a doctor must sign off to allow you to dive.

  • Possess the following certificates:  Tec 45 Diver.
  • Proof of 15 dives deeper than 100 feet (30m).
  • A minimum of 100 logged dives with a minimum of 20 using enriched air nitro (EANx) dive deeper than 60 feet (18m).
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