A World of Diving Adventures

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Scouts Dive Experience

For more than 40 years, Blackbeard’s Cruises has been taking scouts and scouting groups to dive sites in the Bahamas.  Our first boat, the Sea Explorer, was built in 1979 for the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base which was then located in Miami.  While we weren’t able to make the move to the Florida Keys with them, we have continued to take out scout troops.  The trips are life-changing – from the first breath underwater to the feeling of zero gravity and from the discovery of marine life to earning the Scuba Merit badge. It’s our pleasure to introduce scouts to a skill they can carry with them throughout their lives … besides it’s fun, too!

Just like scouting, the philosophy behind SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) encourages the quest and challenge for adventure, knowledge development and personal growth.

  • A variety of safe ocean dives – walls, reefs, wrecks, a blue hole and a high-speed drift
  • All dives conducted with maximum depth of 40- 60-feet (dependent on scout’s age)
  • Marine life education
  • Valuing and protecting our environment
  • An engaging crew
  • Meals and snacks to power divers all day long
  • Learning opportunities disguised as fun
  • Above the surface activities (OK – some antics, too)
  • The first of many dive trips of a lifetime

Sailing with Blackbeard’s is like scout camp but on water. No one cares that you’ve worn the same tee-shirt for 5 days straight. We won’t tell your mom you brushed your teeth every other day or that your swimming trunks are hanging off the side of the boat drying. This trip isn’t about stuff. It’s about diving, connecting with your mates, telling stories, hanging out and being a kid (scout leaders included).

The islands of the Northern Exumas are largely uninhabited with waters that are some of the cleanest & clearest in the Atlantic.   In addition to scuba diving, there are several shore excursions that can be done.

Please contact us about our special rates for scouting trips.